My Remix Story

Jorge Araiza 
Day in Dr.Preston's Class 

The last period of the day, seventh period, you look at the clock and you can see those great yet long lasting 5 minutes. You start to get your stuff ready but then your cut off by your annoying teacher saying "You do not pack up before for the bell, and plus the bell doesn’t dismiss you I do." 
You nod your head but then you start packing up once your teacher is looking away. The last minute, it looks so beautiful, yet you start feeling like the universe stopped time to mess with you. Finally the bell rings and the stampede of students start running to the door.  
As I start to head to the parking lot I look at all the people around me and think, what are they all thinking about. There are thousands of students at this school all with different objectives, different thoughts, different ideas, yet we all come to this high school and learn the same thing. I wish high school was more like college. Where we all don’t have to be learning the same thing, we are all individuals and we should be treated that way. 
I start to think more about it, but then my brother shows up to take me home so I completely forget what I was just thinking about. However, on the car ride home I remembered that my sixth period teacher Dr.Preston told me that we have to create a remix on the subjects we have learned this semester. My brain did what my brain does and has a wave of ideas rushing into my head. I can't do a song because sadly I cant sing, I thought of doing a cartoon while I was in class, but the project is due on Sunday and making a cartoon would take a lot longer than a couple days. I couldn’t stick on one idea, there where way to many good ideas. Then I thought, I have a couple days so I will start on it tomorrow. 
As I got home I quickly did my homework so I can get on the one thing I think of 24/7, my computer. I sometimes feel like I have two lives. One which is in the real world and the other which is on my computer. I got on my computer and talked with two of my best friends. I call them my best friends even though one is all the way across the United States from where I live and one which lives 3 hours away from me. Their names are Aidan and Connor.  
I was talking to Aidan and Connor and we started to talk about how our day went, like we normally do when we first get into calls with each other. Connor started it off by telling us how his day went, he normally doesn't really do much in his day and talks about how sometimes his life can feel pretty repetitive. Then he said "Jorge what did you do today" in a really tired voice. 
I didn’t really do much today so I decided to go right into talking about the remix I had to do and maybe they might have some ideas. I just told them the basics of what I had to do but since this is a story and it needs to get interesting lets just say I told them about the whole class period from beginning to end. Que the epic flashback sounds and me also saying "it all happened at 1:05 PM."  
The bell rang and we all rushed to class, wait, no stop play that back. The bell rang and some of us rushed to class.  

You know we're getting to the point where we enter Dr.Preston's class, hence the name "A Day in Dr.Preston's Class" but its time to thank our sponsors 
We are sponsored by Jackson Scissor Company, we're cutting the price in half. 

As I walked into class I was greeted by Dr.Preston... Connor interrupted my flashback by saying "wait, his name is Dr.Preston. Was his first name Dr. His parents had some high demands for him as a child." I responded with "no, and plus you didn’t have rudely cut off my flashback like that." 
I quickly got back into the flashback mood and continued. I was greeted by Dr.Preston, then went to talk with one of my friends. His name is Joseph, I'm too lazy to say his first name completely so for the rest of this story he will be call Joe. He does some amazing magic tricks, I like to see people with talent like that because we as people are amazed at things like magic, yet we don’t really see people picking Magicians as their career choice. 
The bell rang and we all got out our notebooks so we can start writing on the journal topic. As my teacher got up to speak, the whole wall blew up and the Kool-Aid man ran in yelling "You know what the Kool-Aid man says" he didn’t actually say that, I'm just saying you probably know what he says. The Kool-Aid man sits down on a chair that was made out of Kool-Aid. One of the kid says "You could have just used the door." 
The Kool-Aid man looks at him with a straight face and turns him into chocolate, for some reason you would think it would be Kool-Aid but the world is filled with mysteries. Then from where the blown up hole is at, out comes a tiny tea cup dog. We all look at it and admire how incredibly cute it is. Then the dog shakes like crazy and reveals that it's actually a dragon. Then Aidan cuts off my flashback "Jorge this didn’t actually happen right."  
I respond with "of course this didn’t actually happen but this is a story so we have to make it entertaining some how. Dr.Preston explained how if there was a novel where the story followed a guy with a completely normal life, no one would be entertained." 
I continue with my flashback which is a fairly long flashback not going to lie. Actually you know what before I continue I want to talk with the person who is reading this. How is your day, did you have a good breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on when your reading this. I just realized I cant hear your response so just imagine me saying "that’s nice". Unless your having a bad day then I'm sorry. If you really want a response I will link my friends twitter @peepconnor. I just linked my own friends twitter in a story, beat that any other writer that wont actually do this in a book. 
Anyways lets continue, after our journal topic my teacher stands up opens his mouth allowing air to be pushed out from the lungs to the larynx and epiglottis this vibrates the vocal cords. You know I could have just said my teacher talks but where is the fun in that. 
He says "Do remix." He didn't actually say it like a caveman, and it wasn’t that short but that’s basically what he said. As I explained before... 

Coffee Break 
Wait 5 minutes before continuing to read 

As I explained before I have to do a remix on what I learned this semester, but all I learned was that Martin Luther king was a well-known civil rights leader and a big impact on America during the 1950's and 1960's. Or at least that’s what tells me. Side note he also said we have to give credit to the source so yeah. Anyways we learned some other things like how nice dressed he was to his speech and stuff like that, but all I want to know is, if Martin Luther King was white, would it still have a big effect? 
I could keep writing but It's like super late so you know ending coming up. 

Anyways fast forward to Saturday, I'm on my computer thinking, what am I going to do. I finally thought of a great idea, I could write a story. I know just the title for it "A Day in the life of a great person like me." Wait that’s to long... OK I know a better title "A Day in Dr.Preston's Class." Role credits, that’s it, good night folks... Come on go home, bye, your gone, go home, leave, bye, your not leaving till I finish are you. OK. 


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